
August 18, 2013

Saturday Morning

What do Saturday morning's mean to you? What are your favorite memories?

When I was a kid growing up in South Florida, every Saturday meant a trip to Dunkin Donuts (chocolate glazed donut) and the beach with my family! The warm air (okay, more like hot!), the sand on my feet, and the salt on my skin. Such a cherished memory.

Now that I live in the mountains of Utah, Saturday mornings in the summer in Salt Lake City mean Downtown Farmer's Market!!

Mid-chew! Enjoying a peach with prosciutto from Caputo's
 From June - October, Pioneer Park in downtown Salt Lake is taken over by local artists and crafters, local farmers, and bakers and cheesemakers! It's the cat's meow.

Beautiful juicy raspberries straight from Bear Lake
Some of my favorites include the local honey and eat-with-a-spoon honey butter (so mmm!) from Knight Family Honey, the delicious goat cheese from Drake Family Farms (apricot & honey and jalapeno are my faves), and of course Ruby Snap's gourmet cookies!

Ruby Snap Cookie with marzipan and pine nuts!
I also try to go on a hike at least once a week in the summer. With so many incredible trails, it's always hard to pick one. Just recently I went down to Zion National Park and hiked both the Emerald Pools and The Narrows. Zion is just magic to me, and The Narrows are a must on anyone's bucket list. This was my fourth trip to Zion, and I anticipate many more in the future!

Welcome to Zion National Park!

View from the beautiful Cliffrose Lodge
Stopping for a moment to take in The Narrows
Spectacular red rocks

Picking an apple at a local lodge