
April 12, 2015


I've always had a fascination with the arrow and its symbolism.  When I was in elementary school, I participated in a father/daughter program through the YMCA. When you reached the age of 13, they held a ceremony where you "broke arrow" meaning you were graduating from the program and moving on to a new chapter in your life. During the ceremony, the daughter grips the end of the arrow near the arrowhead symbolizing direction and moving on, and the father grips the end of the arrow near the feathers, symbolizing their role in guiding their daughter. It is discussed how the arrowhead directs the arrow, however, an arrow cannot fly straight and steady without the feathers. 

In Native American symbolism, an arrow signifies direction and movement. An arrow pointing left is meant to ward off evil, while an arrow pointing right is for protection, an arrow pointing down symbolizes peace. Groups of arrows signify that many are stronger than one, which can be broken. A crossed arrow represents friendship. A broken arrow symbolizes peace.

I recently came across this quote about arrows and thought it worth sharing. "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming!" - Unknown